Wednesday 14 September 2016

Spain’s most notorious festival ends without traditional gory climax

protester with 'respect' written on their head

Animal lovers clashed with bullfighting fanatics as one of Spain’s most notorious festivals ended without its traditional bloody climax.

For the first time in centuries, participants of the brutal Toro de la Vega were banned from killing the bull after chasing it with lances on horseback.

Scenes of a bull dying in agony after being speared in the centuries old pageant last year saw Spanish regional authorities ban any killing this year.
Since 1534, bulls had been slaughtered in the carnival atmosphere as the animals were pursued by hunters on foot and horseback through the streets of Tordesillas before being run through with lances and spears.

This year's ban not stop the bloodshed as animal activists and festival supporters clashed despite a strong police presence.
Instead of being speared, the bull was pursued by participants with sticks before being led away. It did not save its life. In keeping with local laws, it will still have to be destroyed.
Last year the Express revealed the horrors of Toro de la Vega in a secretly shot video showing the last moments of a proud bull called Rompe Suelas – Breaking Souls – as it was baited, stabbed and then brought to its knees.
bull being chased by crowd

For the men on horseback and others waving their coats as if they were the red capes of matadors, the baiting of the bull was seen as a sign of machismo, but for the tragic animal it was a pitiful end to its life.
After being chased out of town on to a grassy meadow, the terrified Rompe Suelas had to endure 20 minutes of goading and tormenting by spear-wielding men on horseback before having a spike driven through his neck.
As a final insult, the result of competition to kill him was declared void as officials questioned whether three rules, governing where the bull can be killed and how many people can deliver the final blow, were broken.

This year there were no such rules to quibble over but it did not stop tempers flaring in an atmosphere where Spain is coming under increasing pressure to end its traditional blood sports.
An Ipsos MORI online poll commissioned by Humane Society International last year revealed that 74 per cent of Spaniards aged between 16 and 65 were opposed to the Toro de la Vega bull fiesta.
This week’s event saw dozens of activists chanting “we will not stop until abolition” as they waved hands painted red to depict blood of bulls.
pro bull-fighting protesters

Traditionalists, already protesting at the ruling that prevents festival bulls being slayed, pointed to the thousands of spectators drawn to the festival at its level of support.
“The Toro de la Vega should continue and whoever doesn't like it, just don't come here,” said festival supporter Lara Avila. “They don't have to suffer by coming here and ruining our party.”

Across Spain, bull fighting festivals, in the streets or in professional rings, are said to have risen in popularity over the past two years with around 10 per cent of population attending.
Vehement opposition is also rising. Local authorities have been pressuring festivals by bringing in regional bans or withdrawing funding.

Sonia Vallense, one animal rights activist at this year’s Tordesillas, remained disconsolate. She said: “I have no words. It is an atrocity. They have not been stopped. They are going to kill the bull in one way or another.”

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