Wednesday 14 September 2016

Immigrants forced back to Morocco after trying to jump the border fence on Spanish land

No-Nonsense border officials sent 55 illegal migrants straight back to Morocco following a stand-off this weekend.

As many as 200 migrants tried to scale a fence which separates Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, in north Africa, on Saturday.

Sixty of them reached the top of the six-metre high fence – which is lined with barbed wire – and were stuck there for several hours.
According to local media 55 were returned immediately to Morocco, with five currently in Moroccan hospitals with "serious injuries".

And just five managed to stay on Spanish soil.
They were taken to an overcrowded refugee centre in Ceuta, which is believed to be about 100 people over-capacity.
The UN's refugee agency criticised the operation.

In a statement, a spokesman for the UNHCR said claimed the border police "would used violent methods" against the migrants.
He added: "Refugees must be treated in an atmosphere free of violence and with full respect for their human rights."

Ceuta and Melilla – another port town under Spanish control – together form the EU's only land borders with Africa.
Perimeter fences preventing the movement of migrants across Europe have become a hot topic in recent months.

More than £2million has been spent building a wall on both sides of the motorway on the approach to the Calais port.
The Government hopes the 13ft structure will migrants targeting UK-bound lorries in a bid to stowaway and make it to Britain.

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