Wednesday 7 December 2016

Recount Roundup: Jill Stein's Embarrassing Stunt Puts Trump Further Ahead

Recount Roundup: Jill Stein's Embarrassing Stunt Puts Trump Further Ahead

Green party presidential candidate Jill Stein has been battling for recounts in swing states Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania (funny how she doesn't want one in Florida, North Carolina or even California) for about a week now. 
Her argument? The American people deserve to know their voting system is secure and fair. She claims she's not doing it to help Hillary Clinton, whose campaign team is in on it, and that this is a principled decision, not a stunt to fill her campaign coffers.

So far, Stein has raised more money in her recount efforts than she did during her entire campaign for the White House, leading many to argue Stein is being used as a Clinton pawn to delegitimize Trump's electoral landslide win.

But in her efforts to somehow prove too many votes went to Trump due to fraud or hacking of voting machines (impossible in Michigan where machines aren't connected to the internet), Trump has increased his lead.
Statewide recounts in key 2016 battlegrounds are proceeding in fits and starts -- but doing little to change the math behind Donald Trump's victory.

In Wisconsin, one of three states where Green Party candidate Jill Stein has sought a fresh tabulation, the president-elect has even gained on Hillary Clinton.

By Wednesday morning, Trump had widened his victory margin over Clinton in Wisconsin by 146 votes, with 23 of the state's 72 counties having finished their recounts as of Tuesday. In those counties, Trump gained 105 votes and Clinton dropped 41 votes.

In Pennsylvania, Stein is still fighting for a recount despite running into legal roadblocks. In Michigan, a hand recount is underway but could be put on hold by a federal judge. The Michigan Board of Elections is essentially arguing Stein is doing the recount for personal and political gain, not to verify the results. She received less than 1 percent of the vote in Michigan, Trump received 47.6 percent. It should also be noted Stein's recount effort in Wisconsin is costing Badger State taxpayers thousands of dollars.

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