Wednesday 11 May 2016

UK threat level from Northern Ireland terrorists raised to 'substantial'

PSNI officers and vehicles in Belfast

MI5 has raised the official threat level in the UK from Northern Ireland-related terrorism from moderate to substantial.

This means a terror attack on British soil is a "strong possibility".
Home Secretary Theresa May said the move "reflects the continuing threat from Dissident Republican activity".
PSNI Assistant Chief Constable Will Kerr said:
There remains a real and serious threat from dissident republicans in Northern Ireland.
We are aware of the announcement in parliament today that that the threat level in Great Britain from Northern Ireland related terrorism has been increased from 'moderate' to 'substantial'.
Threat levels are kept under constant review and today’s announcement by the Home Secretary is about increasing awareness and encouraging vigilance.
The threat level in Northern Ireland has not changed and currently remains at 'severe'...
I would ask the public, as always, to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to police. Providing such detail to Police is vital and helps us protect our communities. It isn’t informing, it’s enabling us to keep you and your community safe.
– PSNI Assistant Chief Constable Will Kerr
The threat level to the UK from international terrorism remains unchanged at 'severe', which means that an attack is highly likely.

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