Wednesday 6 January 2016

Prostitutes reportedly beat male customers for paying less than agreed price


Prostitutes have been alleged to have beaten up some of their male customers for paying below the agreed upon price.

The brawl reportedly broke out in a brothel in Delta state, as the prostitutes had agreed to increase their rates, warning customers before hand of the increase.
The victims had revealed that they had not been made aware of the increase, hence had planned to pay the normal rates.
According to an eye witness, Ngozi Njeh’s account, it had been revealed that a round of sex which had once gone for N1,000.00 had now been increased to N2,000.
A night stand often referred to as, ‘Day Break’ which used to go for N5,000 has now been increased to N8,000.
The incident reportedly occurred after the victims went into one of the brothels and following negotiations with the prostitutes, agreed on the increased rates of N8, 000 each for the night.
One of the commercial sex workers, named Anabel Onweh, speaking on the incident, said:
“The victims agreed to pay us N8, 000 each and we took them in, after using us, the following morning they were giving us N4, 000 as against our bargain and we decided to attack them and beat them mercilessly because we know what brought us to this brothel.”
Investigations into the incident revealed that the victims had been severely beaten, with their clothes torn and injuries inflicted on them following the beatings they suffered.
The matter had later been reported at the A-Division Police Station, with an officer, identified simply as Raphael, revealed:
“We moved into the brothel with our men when we heard a shouting match between the commercial sex workers and their customer.”
He went on to reveal that the victims had actually attempted to avoid paying all together, which had led to their fate.
The situation was alter resolved amicably, based on the terms set by the commercial sex workers.

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