Tuesday 6 October 2015

Boy has fingertips SLICED OFF and women raped in public - for being CHRISTIAN

DEPRAVED Islamic State jihadis have savagely sliced of the fingertips of a 12-year-old Christian boy whose family refused to convert to Islam.

The youngster was badly beaten before his digits were chopped off in an act of rage by ISIS barbarians after he and 11 other Syrians refused to renounce their Christian faith.
The extremist fighters told his father the torture would only stop if he returned to Islam.
But when the family refused, the entire group was butchered in a mass beheading.

ISIS propaganda video shows the body of man crucified by Islamic State

Even as they lay dying they defied the evil militants crying 'Jesus' at the jihadists.
According to Christian Aid Mission, the public torture and execution took place on August 28 in a village close to the ISIS stronghold of Aleppo, Syria.
The ministry director told Christian Aid: "Villagers said some were praying in the name of Jesus.
"One of the women looked up and seemed to be almost smiling as she said, 'Jesus!'"
 Islamic State killers hanged this man beside the road in an area occupied by the fanatics

A separate group of eight Christian aid workers, including two women, were also killed for refusing to shun their faith.
After they refused to renounce Christ, the women, aged 29 and 33, were raped in front of a crowd summoned to watch, and then all eight were beheaded.
Patrick Sookhdeo, founder of Barnabas Fund, which works with Syrian Christians, said: "It is like going back 1,000 years seeing the barbarity that Christians are having to live under - I think we are dealing with a group which makes Nazism pale in comparison and I think they have lost all respect for human life.
"Crucifying these people is sending a message and they are using forms of killing which they believe have been sanctioned by Sharia law.
"For them what they are doing is perfectly normal and they don't see a problem with it. It is that religious justification which is so appalling."

 ISIS militants near the central Iraqi city of Tikrit

Thousands of Christians have been tortured and killed in Syria and Iraq by the jihadi group, aiming to wipe the religion off the map.
The Christian population in Syria has fallen by almost two-thirds since the outbreak of civil war in 2011, with more than 700,000 of Syria's population of 1.1 million Christians already forced to leave.
In neighbouring Iraq, their numbers have dropped from around 1.5 million ten years ago to below 200,000.

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey said last week time was "running out for Christians in the region".
He told the Sunday Express: "It is 100 years since Armenian and Assyrian Christians faced genocide and since then they have experienced increasing persecution in the region.
"They are now facing an existential threat to their very survival. Successive UK governments have failed to do enough to support minority communities in the Middle East and now sadly, many Christians have concluded they have no future in a region where they have lived for nearly two thousand years.
"I urge David Cameron, to consider the claims of Christian communities for asylum and to pursue both diplomatic and military means to end the threat of Islamist violence against minority communities."


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