Wednesday 7 September 2016

Bruno Hortelano driver was over alcohol limit

Surgeons were unable to fully repair a finger on Bruno Hortelano's hand which was badly damaged in a serious car crash on the outskirts of Madrid on Monday, and accident which it is alleged the driver was over the drink-drive limit.

His medical team said the prognosis was good after cleaning and rebuilding four fingers on his right hand but they could not fully reconstruct his little finger.

The hand was crushed in the accident on the A6 motorway, following a party.

According to ABC, the 24-year-old's cousin fell asleep at the wheel and the car overturned with a subsequent test allegedly showing the driver was double the alcohol limit.

The car is now in the hands of the Guardia Civil.

Hortelano was due to return to Canada this week after a long season for the Rio 2016 Olympian and Spanish national record holder.

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