Thursday 21 January 2016

Dad who knocked teacher unconscious in brutal revenge attack walks FREE

A VIOLENT father-of-four who put a school teaching assistant in hospital after she told his son off in the playground has walked free from court. 

Marius Feneck managed to escape jail
Marius Feneck managed to escape jail
Marius Feneck, 28, waited outside the boy’s primary school for Lesley-Ann Noel to leave work before following her to her car and launching a vicious revenge attack. 

Miss Noel, 47, was left with swelling the size of a pineapple on her cheek, a bleeding head, a cut to her lip and long-term damage to her shoulder. 
Glenbrook Primary School, south London, where teaching assistant Lesley-Ann Noe, 47, was assaulted
Glenbrook Primary School, south London, where teaching assistant Lesley-Ann Noe, 47, was assaulted
Judge Usha Karu told Inner London Crown Court he had "deliberately targeted" his "vulnerable" victim, but agreed to still suspend his 12 month prison sentence for a year. 
Miss Noel has now hit out at the sentence and says she is considering an appeal to get Feneck jailed.
Feneck had previously pleaded guilty to one count of assault causing actual bodily harm
Feneck had previously pleaded guilty to one count of assault causing actual bodily harm
Speaking after the court hearing, she said: "I'm very disappointed in this system and I don't feel that justice has been served.
"What kind of a message does this send to stop others doing it when someone walks free?
"I'm frightened to leave my building. I can't go back to work and am really struggling to move on.
"As a teaching assistant you go to work to help children. You don't expect to end up in a situation like this and if you do you should get justice.
"I will consider appealing to the Attorney General."
The court heard how Feneck's attack on Miss Noel was the final act in a campaign of terror against Glenbrook Primary School, which had a banning order against him.
A couple of weeks before, he had turned up at the school gates in Clapham, south London, and told his victim he would "show her" and had previously threatened the deputy head teacher.
On October 6 last year, Feneck's partner had gone to the school at 3.15pm and complained about the way her son had been treated.
Lesley-Ann was left with swelling the size of a pineapple on her cheek, a bleeding head, a cut to her lip
Lesley-Ann was left with swelling the size of a pineapple on her cheek and a bleeding head
Their son had got into a fight at lunchtime and been disciplined by teaching assistant Miss Noel who was on playground duty.
Just over an hour later at 4.30pm, Miss Noel was leaving the school and walking to her car on the way to her nine-year-old daughter's parents' evening when she saw a man cycling directly towards her, swerving from left to right.
She said he had appeared "really suddenly" 20 yards away.
In her statement read to the court she said: "My senses told me that this man was menacing and after me."
Judge Karu told Feneck: "You intended to confront her and if necessary to assault her because that is what you did.
"She carried on walking and in fact and one stage even quickened her pace."
But when Miss Noel got closer to her car she realised Feneck had come right up to her.
Judge Karu went on: "The last thing she saw was your face because then she fell to the floor.
"She screamed before she went down saying 'What are you doing?'
"A member of the public saw you cycling away and Miss Noel on the floor bleeding."
The passerby called an ambulance to attend to an unconscious Miss Noel. 

The Judge said one of the victim's eyes remains sensitive to light and she has lost some of the mobility in her arm which is not guaranteed to return.
Her brother Roger, 50, who attended the sentencing hearing, said his sister had been left too scared to leave her house and has not yet been able to return to work or regularly go on the school-run.
He said: "This man is on the street. She is a single mother and this hell has been brought upon her."
The defendant’s lawyer Shane Hauschild said Feneck had previously undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenia and had "paranoid constructions" of what was happening at the school, believing his children had been the victims of racism.
Feneck, who stood in the dock despondent and looking down with a dollar bill-patterned sweatshirt, was also ordered to complete 100 hours unpaid work, a rehabilitation order for 30 days and given a mental health treatment requirement.
The Judge also issued a restraining order against him banning him from going within 50m of Glenbrook Primary School or contacting Miss Noel directly or indirectly.
Feneck, of Brixton, south London, had previously pleaded guilty to one count of assault causing actual bodily harm.


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