Monday 4 January 2016

Cancer-stricken mother who REFUSED treatment during pregnancy gives birth to baby boy

THE EXPECTANT young woman discovered a lump in her breast just weeks after she learned she was pregnant.

Title image - mother and child
A cancer-stricken mother who refused aggressive treatment has given birth to a baby boy
Christiana Ensam-Taiwo was overjoyed to learn she was expecting her second child. 
But just three weeks into her pregnancy, the young mum discovered something that every woman fears. 

Christiana found a lump in her right breast, and was then diagnosed with breast cancer in October this year. 
For the health of her unborn baby, the Greenwich resident decided to delay gruelling therapy. Instead, Christiana was put on a milder form of chemotherapy for the duration of her pregnancy. 
Baby noah
Noah was born on December 15 of last year
The 31-year-old received an early Christmas present last year, when she gave birth to her healthy son, Noah, on December 15. 
Now, the mum-of-two is preparing to undergo a more aggressive course of treatment in a bid to banish the cancerous cells from her body. 
Christiana, who is also mum to one-year-old Isaac, said: “I'm feeling really anxious about it. 
“It's going to be hard having two small babies at home - one a newborn who wakes up three or four times a night to be fed – while having chemotherapy, which leaves me exhausted.” 
Of undergoing chemotherapy, Christiana said: "It's going to be hard having two small babies at home"
The young mum had also developed gestational diabetes, which, if left untreated, can be fateful to an unborn child. 
She said: "It was a double whammy. There was a lot of pressure to deliver early. I’d had gestational diabetes with Isaac too so I was expecting it. But I wasn't expecting the cancer."
As part of her treatment, Christiana has been advised to take a drug called Perjeta, which is said to double the eradication of tumours and extend survival for sufferers. 
Christiana with sons
Christiana is also the mother of one-year-old Isaac
The drug has been granted a license for women in early stage of the disease but it’s yet to be fully appraised by the National Institute for Health Care and Excellence (NICE) for widespread use through the NHS. 
Samia al Qadhi, Chief Executive at Breast Cancer Care, said: “For some patients, (Perjeta) could transform care…
“It has the potential to reduce the number of breast cancer deaths.”


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