Tuesday 22 December 2015

Make prisoners hand ludicrous compensation payouts to crime victims, says MP

PRISONERS who win "outrageous" compensation claims should be forced to hand it over to their victims, an MP demanded today.

David Davies - Michael Adebolajo
Conservative MP David Davies's call came after Michael Adebolajo suing of the prison serive
Conservative MP David Davies has written to Justice Minister Michael Gove calling for a change in the rules that allow violent offenders to keep the cash they win.

The Monmouth MP wants taxpayer-funded payouts to be placed in so-called "escrow" accounts which are handled by a third party.
Convicts would then have to contact all those affected by their crime - inviting them to countersue for damages and legal costs.
Mr Davies's call came just days after revelations that two high profile killers are suing the prison service.
One of fusilier Lee Rigby's killers, Michael Adebolajo, wants up to £20,000 because his teeth were knocked out by prison staff trying to restrain him.
And Graham Coutts, who murdered a special needs teacher with a pair of tights, is demanding up to £40,000 after he was forced to change into a prison uniform before being taken to hospital with chest pains.
Mr Davies said: "I'm appalled when I read about these prisoners putting in preposterous claims for compensation.
Michael Adebolajo - Lee Rigby
Adebolajo was convicted for the murder of fusiller Lee Rigby
"A while back one of my own constituents tried to jump over a 30-foot prison fence and sued for the injuries he suffered. It's ridiculous.
Graham Coutts - Jane Longhurst
Graham Coutts was convicted for the murder of teacher Jane Longhurst
"Prisoners with little money have nothing to lose and everything to gain by bringing cases no matter how preposterous.
"I understand the government robustly defends these claims and rightly so. But this costs large sums of money and the final decision rests in the hands of a judge. Whatever the ruling, the taxpayer loses every time."
Michael Gove
The MP has written to Justice Minister Michael Gove calling for a change in the rules
He added: "The Ministry of Justice should continue to fight all claims but if it loses, the money should not be handed straight over to the prisoner but instead put into an account administered by a third party - a so-called escrow account.
"Rather than paying money directly to the recipient, the money is paid to an independent party who will hand it over once the recipient has fulfilled their side of the bargain.
"In this case, the prisoner would be obliged to contact all of the victims of the offence for which they have been convicted and invite them to countersue for the distress and any material loss they suffered, along with their legal costs."
In December 2014 it emerged that over the previous year the MoJ had paid out £20million in compensation to prisoners, visitors and wardens - equating to £53,000 per day.


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