Saturday 28 November 2015

Mother dangles baby out of WINDOW shouting 'Wacko Jacko' in stupid Michael Jackson moment

A MICHAEL Jackson fan dangled her child out of an upstairs window after one of the dead superstar’s records came on the radio.

A mother was caught dangling her baby out a window, just like Michael Jackson did
The mother yelled: “Wacko Jacko” as she held the infant precariously in the air by its wrists.
When arrested she said: “I’ve been stupid for dangling the child out of the window – I was having a Michael Jackson moment.”

The potentially fatal escapade only came to light when the child’s stunned father saw photographs of it on a mobile phone. He immediately alerted police.
He said: “I saw what was on the picture and I was mortified, as you can imagine. I was sick, I felt ill.
“My kids are big, they are heavy, and I’m a big bloke, but it would take some strength for me to dangle my child out of a window – she could have killed my child. I’m absolutely disgusted.”
The photograph, which has been altered to protect the identity of the child, shows the woman laughing as she dangles the child. Jackson was condemned after he was filmed dangling his baby son from a hotel balcony in Germany in 2002.
Appearing before Hull Magistrates’ Court District Judge Frederick Rutherford said: “It would seem that the cause for this extremely serious action came about as a result of a Michael Jackson song being played in the background, and that she copied his antics by dangling the child out of the window.
“She was shouting ‘Wacko Jacko!’ as she was doing it.”
Addressing comments from the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, that her child was not at risk, the judge told Dean Bower, defending: “How your client can say the child would not be in any danger from what I’ve seen in the photographs is beyond belief.”
The super star famously dangled his baby out of a hotel window in Germany, 2002
The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was sentenced in Hull Magistrates Court
The woman, who is in her 20s, admitted unlawfully endangering the life or health of a child under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.
The maximum penalty is five years in jail. The offence took place in west Hull earlier this year.
Mr Bower said: “I do think on behalf of my client I want to stress just how full of shame and remorse she is.
“She knows what she did was plainly wrong and very wrong.”
He said it was a “moment of madness”. The mother was sentenced to 16 weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months.
She must also have up to 30 days rehabilitation supervised by the probation service.
Sentencing the judge added: “It meets the custody threshold – I don’t think you can argue against that.
“But she has no previous convictions and what has happened in the past and since suggests to me it would be wrong for me to impose custody immediately.
“I shall suspend that sentence.”
He told her: “The least sentence I can impose, giving you credit for your guilty plea, is one of 16 weeks, but that sentence in your case will be suspended for 12 months.”


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