Monday 5 October 2015

Photo: You Won’t Believe What Was Found In a Woman’s Ear After She Complained to Doctors About Strange Noises

A woman who had been hearing mysterious noises in her ear raced to the doctor to get it checked out and was shocked beyond belief to discover what was in her ear.

A woman named Li Meng was worried she had been inhabited by evil spirits after she started hearing mysterious ‘scratching’ noises later discovered a live spider in her ear.
The victim, named by Chinese media as Li Meng, had been suffering from frequent pain in her ear, especially at night when she would hear strange sounds.
She had taken painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication for the symptoms but to no avail.
Li had even started to believe she was being punished by evil spirits because the pain started after she ate some wild berries which were growing over a tomb during a hiking trip.
Her superstitious boyfriend had warned her not to eat the berries, but she was so thirsty at the time she ignored his advice.
She told “I even went to a temple to pray but it didn’t help.”
Eventually, Li sought medical help and doctors at Xiamen City Hospital made a shock discovery. A small, live spider was living deep in her ear canal and had even span itself a web.
Doctor Chen Zhaoyou said initial attempts to remove the arachnid caused it to react violently, causing Li more pain. But they were eventually able to pacify it with a syrup and it was removed.

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