Tuesday 12 January 2016

“If you think Yoruba guys are demons, Igbo guys are the devil himself”- Girl Narrates Her Ugly Dating Experience


For a while now, the hashtag #YorubaGuys has been trending on twitter. This hashtag carries all the presumed bad habits of Yoruba boys, especially in a relationship.

In fact, they have been tagged ‘Yoruba demons’ in the dating game, with many girls narrating their ugly experience with them. However, the table turned yesterday, when a twitter user came out to assert otherwise.
According to her, Igbo guys are worse than ‘Yoruba demons’ when it comes to disappointments in a relationship.
In 34 tweets, @maryannivy narrated how her relationship with an Igbo guy, simply named Obiora, left her feeling bad. Red the tweets below:

  • I want to tell a story of my encounter with an igbo demon. The truth is igbo guys are the real demons.. they're just on a low key.
  • @maryannivy @AjikeAjoke what do you mean make it clear
  •   I met Obiora at UI gate on a very sunny wednesday morning. I had just come from the ATM and was walking to my dept. No change for cab
  • He stopped to give me a ride. I entered immediately whispering Thank God under my breath. The sun was killing a sister.
  • Obiora is goodlooking. Fine eyes, soft spoken, nice hands. We exchanged numbers. I planned to call. I couldn't wait to see him again.
  • I met with him that very night at conference center. We talked. He was a perfect gentleman. He didn't display any sign of fuckery.
  • We went to see a movie the next day. The transporter(boring). He was courteous. Opening doors and shii. Comforting a crying baby and shit
  • During the movie I told him I was cold. He gave me his socks (still have them) and massaged my feet...
  • ... It was the sweetest thing a guy has ever done to me in my whole entire life. I knew this guy was a keeper or so I thought.
  • After the movie he asked me to be his GF and I said yes. After kissing him of course. The kiss always decides a couple's compatibility.
  • Looking back I see it was doomed to fail from the start. Here was a person I agreed to date after a day. I didn't even know this guy.
  • Anyway it was a whirlwind relationship just like in those Harlequin romance novels where actions of a life time happen in a day.
  • There were the trips, shopping, surprise outings, whispering of sweet nothings, great sex and money...I was overwhelmed...
  • He was serious too. He always told me he loved me. He introduced to all his friends as the one. He was talking marriage and kids.
  • I started thinking of marriage and kids with this guy. I started thinking of maybe not applying to Yale after all...
  • Telling myself I didn't need to get a MFA in acting.'Must I even act sef. I could just get a normal job.' I found myself thinking.
  • )I was changing my life plans for a guy I had known for two weeks. It was that strong. I cut off all other guys. I stopped flirting..
  • I was determined to make Obiora and I work.
  • "maybe I was meant to get married at 23 not 27 as I planned." I thought to myself.
  • I told everyone I had a BF. Which is News. I usually don't do boyfriends. I'm a FWB type of girl.
  • Anyway, three weeks later, Obiora went to Lagos. He had finished writing his masters exam. He had to go back to work.
  • Our relationship became telephone conversations and texts. He begged me to come spend the weekend with him and I planned to do just that
  • All of a sudden, his calls stopped coming. I started doing calling. He kept saying he was busy. I chilled for a while and he didn't call
  • for two weeks. I thought maybe something had happened, maybe he was dead. I called one night and he picked up the call. I was speechless
  • "I just wanted to know if you're alive and you are, bye bye" I said and hung up. He didn't call me back.
  • He called back the next day and apologised. Saying he was busy, work is killing him. He loves me. He misses me. I forgave him.
  • I agreed to continue although I had shut my heart.
  • For those past two weeks, I was heart broken. I couldn't get why he just stopped calling and for him to give 'I was busy' as his excuse?
  • We started again. And I begun to see him for the asshole he really is. Instance; The first thing he cud ask is when last I had sex.
  • That nigga dumped for 2weeks and the first thing he could as when we sorta patched things up is when last I had sex?
  • I was so pissed. He left me hanging for two weeks and still expected a relationship. How arrogant can a guy be?
  • The straw that broke the camel's back was when he came to Ibadan to write an exam and he didn't come to see me. He said no fuel.
  • No fuel? Ladies and gentlemen, he wrote his exam in UI and I live in UI. No fuel?
  • No fuel to see your supposed girlfriend whom you've not seen in over a month. Wow. Just wow
  • I know there are some typos and I'm misnumbering but I'm getting angry over again as I remember.
  • I called 2days later "so aint we going to see?" And he said "its you now. You're the one who's busy." I deleted his no immediately.
  • He has not called since then
  • That was the end. Up till today, I don't understand what happened. Was it all just a game for him? I guess I'll never know.


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