Friday 23 October 2015

Warning of British jobs at risk as Calais migrants drive family businesses to bankruptcy

THOUSANDS of British jobs are at risk because of the increasingly violent methods used by migrants at Calais, Britain's top transport boss warned today. 

Migrants filmed from a lorry behind new fencing in Calais
Haulage firms are facing bankruptcy because of the Calais migrant crisis

Family-run haulage companies across the country are facing collapse because they cannot shoulder the huge costs caused by rampaging migrants wrecking their lorries. 

 The Road Haulage Association (RHA) said truckers are being "very badly let down" by Government inaction and warned the ongoing crisis could have a catastrophic effect on the economy. 

Their dire prediction comes just hours after revealed that the entire 6,000-strong migrant population of Calais is mobilising and ready to make a major dash for Britain. 
Huge numbers of migrants are expected to attempt the crossing in the next two weeks as smugglers try to get them across the channel before new security measures come into force. 
Truckers travelling through the lawless port town have reported a huge spike in migrant activity in the last few weeks, with reports of violent incidents rocketing. 
Footage shot yesterday shows the extent of the migrant crisis facing truckers
Footage shot yesterday shows the extent of the migrant crisis facing truckers
Trucker Euan Flemming filmed migrants behind the new border fences
Trucker Euan Flemming filmed migrants behind the new border fences
RHA Chief Executive Richard Burnett said: "The threat to drivers and to international haulage services is once again on the increase. RHA members and staff have seen intimidation of drivers and attacks on vehicles first-hand. 
"The continued intimidation is inflicting long-term damage on the road haulage sector in the UK with more and more drivers refusing to do the work. 
"Smaller hauliers are finding it increasingly difficult to stay in the market as alternative routes are being block booked in advance by larger, regular users. 
"The impact on these companies and their customers should be of real concern."
More than two million people are employed in the haulage and logistics industry in the UK, making it the fifth largest employer overall. 
But many companies are now facing huge overheads because of delays, fuel costs and vehicle damage all caused by rioting migrants in Calais. 
Migrants on the road in Calais
Truckers run a daily gauntlet of migrants in Calais
New border fences are being constructed around the town
New border fences are being constructed around the town
Mr Burnett raged: "The RHA constantly advises its members on truck security but the authorities are letting our members down very badly. 
"Delays and damage are now becoming the norm and this represents a cost that the UK supply chain simply cannot accept. 
“Disruption to trade is still widespread. Last night an RHA member had his vehicle's air lines cut by a frustrated migrant who was discovered to be 'axle riding'. 
"The UK may be ‘open for business’ but there are continuing problems getting through the front door.
"It is abundantly clear to the RHA and to our members that the measures taken so far, while welcome, are inadequate and we need to understand what more can be done to protect our drivers, our international haulage businesses and the UK economy as a whole."
Britain-bound migrants are turning to increasingly extreme tactics including playing chicken with lorries and throwing stones at vehicles to make them stop, with some people even jumping onto the roofs of moving trucks from overhead pedestrian bridges. 
Last week thousands of migrants invaded a secure lorry compound at Calais port and "ran riot" as they overwhelmed security and attempted to stowaway.
Industry experts believe criminal gangs are now "mobilising" migrants after being spooked by planned new security measures in Calais, including extra fencing and the deployment of hundreds more police officers. 
Many of the new security measures are due to come into place within weeks, which could spark a mass rush of more than 6,000 migrants towards the ferry port and Eurostar terminals. 
An aerial view of the Jungle Camp
The notorious Jungle camp has doubled in size
Migrants at the Jungle Camp in Calais
6,000 migrants could now be heading for Britain
Donald Armour from the Freight Transport Association (FTA) told "Because this is all serious organised crime - it's not really individuals anymore - you get the feeling the gang masters are organising this. 
"These criminals they are pretty savvy people, they are businessmen, and they are thinking 'we know this can't last forever'. 
"Sooner or later the port of Calais will be fenced off better than ever, and the Eurotunnel terminal too, and they are going to be pushing harder than ever and as fast as they can before the fencing is in place."
 Large gangs of migrants have successfully smashed their way into the Eurotunnel terminal for the last four nights in a row, blasting past extra guards and fencing paid for by Britain.
Rob Flello, MP for Stoke South and chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary group on Freight Transport, said: "The government promised months ago to sort out this situation and instead the threat to professional drivers, their lorries and of course the refugees themselves is in danger of becoming permanent.
"We cannot carry on as if this crisis will simply go away of its own accord - clearly, it won't."


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