Monday 26 October 2015

Government to end the evil of acid attacks

AFTER reports of a city in the sky appearing to thousands of people in China, residents in sleepy Hastings have reported seeing a similar apparition.


Video footage of what look like shadowy skyscrapers forming in clouds above Foshan in China have gone viral online after reported the bizarre event.

Now a picture of a similar looking mirage in the sky taken at the coastal town in southern England have been posted on Facebook.
The weird formation is much further away in the Hastings scene, but a similar skycap can be made out.
One was taken by resident Natasha Marie’s mother-in-law, who was snapping coastal scenes during sunset.
However, the sky city was later seen forming in the distance, with much speculation about what the alien object could be.
One person who saw the pictures from both sides of the globe said: "This is crazy, what is going on? Is it the same city? Is this some sort of sign?"
Some have even said the city over China resembled a castle
Some have even said the city over China resembled a castle
But more level-headed people see them as coincidental optical illusions.
Earlier, Chinese TV news reports told how thousands of residents in TWO areas reported separately seeing a huge city form in the skies.
The Hastings
The Hastings

First thousands reportedly saw a ghostly alien city floating over Foshan in the Guangdong province of China.
A few days later people in the province of Jiangxi, China, also reported seeing a similar cloud city.
Weather experts have explained all these phenomena as natural mirages, an optical illusion called Fata Morgana.
Fata Morgana can be seen on land or sea and involves the optical distortion and inversion of distant objects such as boats, which can appears as skyscrapers because the images become stacked, when rays of light bend as they pass through air of different temperatures such as in a heat haze.
But the mystery did not stop sending conspiracy theorists into over drive, with claims of anything from an alien city briefly appearing through a wormhole to another dimension, a santanic symbol of impending doom, or a secret government hologram project to test how the public would react to a major paranormal event.
The Paranormal Crucible YouTube channel said in a video of the Chinese events it could be: "A temporal vortex, or a possible parallel universe materialising briefly into our own reality.
A similar, if not more detailed, phantom city seen over China in 2011
A similar, if not more detailed, phantom city seen over China in 2011
"It is also possible, considering China's technological achievements that a top secret holographic technology was tested over a heavily populated area in an effort to gauge the public reaction


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