Thursday 29 October 2015

Boy, 16, charged over death of Aberdeen schoolboy Bailey Gwynne

A SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD has been charged over the stabbing of "kind and gentle" schoolboy Bailey Gwynne. 

A 16-year-old boy died following the incident
A 16-year-old boy died following the incident

Bailey was rushed to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in a critical condition following the "shocking" attack at 1.30pm but died from his injuries.

Police Scotland said a 16-year-old male had been charged. He is expected to appear at Aberdeen Sheriff Court on Friday.
The latest development comes as pupils recalled the moment they heard Bailey's final words "stabbed" as he desperately tried to make it to the school office for help.
Horrified pupils at Cults Academy in Aberdeen saw the attack, which is said to have happened in a walkway.
A teacher desperately tried to stem the flow of blood as other staff cleared the area of shocked children.
One pupil said: "It was horrible, there was blood everywhere."
Moments after the attack the school was put into lockdown.

The pupil was described by his teachers as a kind and popular student, who dreamed of joining the Royal Marines.
Head teacher Anna Muirhead said the school community was "totally devastated" by the death.
Speaking to reporters last night, Ms Muirhead said: "Pupils and staff are in a state of total shock. The boy involved was a very gentle, caring pupil, with a lot of friends.
"I think it's fair to say the whole school community is totally devastated. At the moment of course our thoughts are all with the boy's close family and his friends and what they must be going through at this tragic time."
A large police presence remains at Cults Academy and dozens of floral tributes have been left at the school gates with some pupils and members of the public arriving since around 8am to pay their respects.
One handwritten message left among the flowers read: "Bailey, forever in our hearts. My thoughts are with your family at this tragic time and with my fellow students who haveshock and despair at you leaving us.
"The empty seat you leave behind in class will always be a reminder of the silent but kind boy who I took for granted seeing everyday.
"I hope now you are in a better place."
Tributes have also flooded in on social media.
On Twitter, @RoryMcGregor2 wrote: "Condolences to the family and friends of Bailey. Cults Academy won't be the same without you."
@AndrewNeill43 stated: "Rest In Peace Bailey."
Bailey Gwynne was described as popular pupil at the school
Bailey Gwynne was described as popular pupil at the school
 @sophiathain said: "Absolutely horrific news, such an innocent boy's life has been taken. Thoughts go out to Bailey's family and friends."
And @annamccluskeyxx said on Twitter: "Can't believe what happened today. RIP Bailey. Thoughts and prayers go out to your family and friends."
A Facebook page has also been set up in tribute to the pupil. A candlelit vigil is to be held this evening at nearby Cults Parish Church.
David MacPherson, 50, a minister at the Free Church of Scotland whose three children all studied at the school, said: "This isn't typical of Cults.

"It's quite a quiet, affluent area. I can't remember anything like this ever happening around here - let alone of this magnitude."
Counselling is available to pupils and staff at the school, local authority officials confirmed.
The school will be closed to pupils today and Friday. They are expected to be able to return to the academy on Monday.
Distraught pupils have laid floral tributes outside the school
Distraught pupils have laid floral tributes outside the school
Police rushed to the scene at around lunchtime today
Police rushed to the scene at around lunchtime today
 Police in Aberdeen tweeted: "We can confirm that the Cults Academy incident is being treated as a murder investigation."
Officers have launched an "extensive" investigation into the death.
Chief Inspector Graeme Mackie said: "This is a shocking and extraordinary incident for Aberdeen and firstly our thoughts are with the family and friends of the boy who has sadly lost his life today.
"A full and thorough enquiry is underway has been launched and there will be a police presence in the area for the foreseeable future. 
"We are working closely with the education authorities and wider community as I am sure this incident will be felt not only in Aberdeen but much further afield."
Tributes are pouring in for 'kind and gentle' schoolboy Bailey
Tributes are pouring in for 'kind and gentle' schoolboy Bailey
The pupil was rushed to hospital but died from his injuries
The pupil was rushed to hospital but died from his injuries
 Cults Academy is described as a six-year comprehensive serving the Lower Deeside area.
It has about 1,500 pupils.
Alex Lees, a former pupil who lives on the street next to the school, said: "Nothing like this happened in my time there. It's a massive shock.
"I heard something had happened and walked along to have a look. I saw the school gates locked with a police officer outside and realised it must be serious.
"There's a walkway between school buildings and I understand the incident happened there at the end of lunch."
Aberdeen City Council deputy leader Marie Boulton, who has children at the school, said there is "utter shock, disbelief and desolation" at the death.
Cults Academy
An eyewitness said the school gates were locked following the incident
 She said: "Nobody could've foreseen anything like this ever happening, people are still waking up this morning pinching themselves and asking 'did this really happen?
"The devastation can't be underestimated but we're a strong community and we'll be supporting each other through this tragic, tragic time.
"I have received messages from across the community and far outwith the city who know how close we are and saying that they are there for us.
"It's a very good school - it was before and it will be after this, we've just been caught up in a very, very tragic incident."
An Aberdeen City Council spokeswoman said: "We are aware of a serious incident at Cults Academy today. Police are on site.
"Due to the nature of this incident, we will not be issuing further comment."
Floral tributes adorn the school gates in Aberdeen
Floral tributes adorn the school gates in Aberdeen


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